Rotary Dialysis Centers

Kidneys In Need of Dialysis

Rotary District 3232 Initiative to help those in need of Hemo Dialysis

KINDNESS in health

What is Dialysis?

In healthy individuals, The kidneys filter waste and excess fluids from your blood,  which are then excreted in the urine.

Dialysis is a treatment method that replicates the function of the kidneys when they  are failing.

Some cases of acute kidney disease, however, can be treated and dialysis may only  be required in the short term.

However, in cases of kidney failure, this mechanism fails and individuals need  to undergo dialysis. Dialysis can be used to treat people with chronic or acute  kidney disease.

Chronic Kidney Disease

CKD in India

The number of patients affected by Chronic Kidney Disease have doubled in  the last 14 years. Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is one among those, in which  lives are lost due to prohibitive cost of continuous dialysis treatment. CKD  describes the gradual loss of kidney function.

When it reaches an advanced stage, dangerous levels of fluid, electrolytes  and wastes build up in the body. In the case of chronic renal failure, the  kidneys do not improve and people need dialysis for the rest of their lives,  until they get a kidney transplant.

Due to growing cases of CKD, the patients undergoing dialysis are also increasing  by 10-15 percent every year. India is estimated to have about 130,000 patients on  Hemodialysis and over 3400 patients in each state. The approximate  prevalence of CKD is 800 people per million population.

Why a Dialysis Centre?

Over 90% of patients requiring Dialysis in India die because of  inability to afford care, and even in those who do start dialysis,  60% stop for financial reasons, for it costs more than Rs 13,000  for 4 shifts for a patient in a private hospital.

How can we help?

To find a solution to this issue would require stabilising  and establishing several FREE Dialysis Centres  around the state with the help of:

  • Greater Chennai Corporation Charitable Trust Hospital Government
  • Peripheral Hospitals  Rotary Hospitals

We can help by spreading kindness in health.

Preliminary Requirements

For a dialysis Centre:

  • Kidney patients always feel mentally tired after a long dialysis session. Hence a suitable site, that is comfortably accessible for the locals, must be chosen.
  • Ease in commute with public transport, like autos, buses, and  trains is a must within a radius of 3-5km around the site.
  • Ensure there is a hospital close by in case of any emergency.